I've always believed that everything happened for a reason. Although we may not know the purpose at the time, it may be relieved to us later and then we'll understand. But there are just somethings I don't think I'll ever understand. One of these things became aware to me on my families recent vacation to Orlando.
We stayed at a resort called Give Kids the World. It is a village designed for families of children with life threatening illnesses. I came to terms with my understanding of why my daughter had her illness and I knew we would encounter other families that were in a similar boat as us. Then one day I met Ed.
Ed and his family is from Cleavland, Ohio. Ed was there with his wife and his daughter. They were the nicest family and Ed, the nicest man! After talking with Ed for some time, we found out his daughter has Leukemia. And her prognosis is dire. She won't get better.
Afterward, I thought about Ed and his family. London (his daughter) was his only child. Why would the Lord give you one child, just to take them from you? And not just take them from you, but take them from you in such a way (leukemia). The loss of a child is the worst thing a family can endure, but especially if you're then left childless afterwards.
My husband has different religious views than I do. So when I mentioned the heart break I felt for this family, losing their only child, his response was, "Everything you say about your God, tell me how that is fair. Tell me how a loving God would make his children endure that." It set bad with me, but it also added to my inability to understand WHY. I was always raised to never to question the acts of the Lord, but my heart wonders, if everything happens for a reason, what is Ed's families reason? A mother and fathers only child given then taken away. And taken away from a painful, long illness.
Someone help me understand.......