Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Investing Time With Hubby

All in a Day: Investing Time With Hubby

 "How do young mommy's spend time with their hubby when they have  little ones? How do mommy's with many children get out of the house without at least a few children in tow? How do we as wives spend quality time with our hubby's on a tight budget? "

When my husband and I first started having children, we still were able to spend alone time together.  As the number of our children grew, so did our time apart.  We were both more concerned with other things. Me - the kids. Him - his job and making sure we were taken care of. I'd have to say that over the past year we've been able to find more ways to get "our" time with each other during the days and weeks - even though 4 of our kids are ages 5 and under.  Each time is different and usually isn't planned. Sometimes we get to spend time together outside while one of us is doing yard work or working on the car. If the kids go to bed on time, we have a few hours to talk and watch a movie or two. Most times though, I ask them to watch a movie in the living room and hubby and I take the opportunity to talk and be together semi-interruption free. 

When it comes to getting out of the house alone. I typically just tell the children what I need to do and that they need to stay with dad. For example, this morning I had to run out to get a few household items and cold medicine since they all have runny noses. I told them I'd be right back and I went on my way. Sometimes I prefer to take 1 or 2 kids with me. I like having company while I run my errands.  But it's easier now that they enjoy playing at home and seeing the "stuff" mom brings home from the store!

When hubby and I do try to do things together, and we are on a tight budget, we go to less expensive places to eat or an earlier movie which costs less. We've never used any type of bogo coupons for dinners or anything, but we make sure we stay within our budget when eating out.

I would love to hear your comments on these topics! And remember to please click the "follow" tab so you don't miss out on any great articles, deals and advice!! :)

Check out the other All in a Day Bloggers...
Carrie @ Our Full House
Christi @ Where the Creek Meets the Lake
Elizabeth @ Yes They’re All Ours
Kathy @ Kathy Mom of Many 
Kristy @ Homemaker's Cottage 
Lori @ Happy Busy Mama
Monica @ Natural Mama
Renee @ Bakers Dozen


  1. Hi Julie, I love the title of your blog. Sometimes it seems like we're having a huge impact on the economy through our spending, doesn't it? I agree about early mornings being a good time for running errands. Less traffic, more energy, it's a win-win situation. Keep up the good work. Blessings, Kathy

  2. Thanks for linking up with us! I enjoyed reading how you and yo9ur husband manage to find time together.
