Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Almost a month into 2011!!

The beginning of the year started out GREAT! My husband was offered a much higher ranking (and paying) position with a new company and accepted it. He began his second week there this week and is loving it! I think he thought with it being a higher position, that the work load would take a toll on him and he wouldn't like the job. But he gave it a shot anyway. I'm so happy that he likes it so much! It's not that far from home and his co-workers are great he says. We are both praying theres an opportunity in the near future for him to take another step up and become the store manager. Which would be so awesome! But, we will wait and see if that position becomes available.
I have decided to stop going to college. It was just getting too overwhelming and I really need to concentrate on the kids schoolwork and advancement.  They are all doing great with their studies, but I was just feeling the drive for my schooling gone, and feeling that the time spent on my work, was wasted time, because I could be devoting that time and energy into the kids school work, or even personal time to have fun with my kids. So I decided to take a break for a while, but ultimately, I don't think I'll be returning.
The remodel of the house is going...... LOL What more can I say. A big job takes time. We are doing what we can while we wait for the ta return. Thats when we'll have the money to do the kitchen and floors. We are scrapping old wall paper and painting the living room. It's beginning to really look good! I can't wait until its all done and we can sit back and enjoy our hard work!
Well, thats all for now. I could go on forever, but am too tired!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!!

It's January 2nd and the start of a new year! 2010 seemed to fly by, I honestly hardly remember it! I wonder what this year will hold for me, my family and my friends. I plan to get more active in homeschooling conventions and activities with the kids and I hope to lose a lot of the weight I have gained over the years if having kids. I'm not making and official resolutions, they are just silly!
So how did you ring in the new year? I was in bed before the ball dropped at midnight. 3 of the little kids fell asleep, so I went to bed. Gabe gets up to eat during the night still, so I hate missing out on the necessary sleep I need to be able to function the following day. If I wasn't so scared of an accident, I would let him sleep in bed with me. That was the only way I could get Dylan to sleep through the night when he was a newborn. But, I was 19 then and had no fear and had so much confidence. I'm much more of a worry wart the older I get! LOL!
I start my college classes again this week. Tuesday the 4th I begin a class on organization in group settings. I'm so glad these classes are only 5 weeks long. I don't think I could take much more! I had intended to double up on my classes to get done faster, but I would run out of financial aid before my next disbursement, so I had to stay with only 1 class every 5 weeks. Which puts my graduation in April of 2012. MUCH longer than i wanted this to last. But I'll be thankful that I did this in the end.
Well, I'll wrap up for now. I'm sure I'll have something exciting to write about soon!