Sunday, February 27, 2011

Living Debt Free in 2011

I think the question, "How do you live debt free?", is equal to the question, "How do you get debt free?"  I've found, that people usually don't set out in life to be debt free. They typically desire to be debt-free when they have acquired a mountain on debt.
My husband and I began working to live debt free when our 3rd child was born. By that tie, we had car loans, school loans, credit cards and other revolving accounts. We had only 1 income coming in the door and a lot of bills to pay. One day I just had enough and said, we need to lay out a plan and work towrds getting rid of all this debt.
I sat down and figured out what we could realistically do to reach our goals. First off, we deferred all our student loans. I decided to sell both our cars and with the profit, after paying them off, buy 1 used car. This took some time, but luckily, we were able to sell both cars. We were able to pay off one in full and most of the other. I made a payment plan with the finance company for the small remainder. We bought a car that fit our family at the time and we were set in that area. In the mean time, i tried contacting companies that help you reduce your credit card debt, but they told us that we didn't have enough debt for them to help us. What I had to do was close out all our credit cards so fees and interest didn't continue to accrue and pay 10% of the debt each month. In addition to these things, we canceled our cell phone plans and sold the phones.
It took a lot of time to work through all these things, but after about a year of working on them, we were debt free. Sure, our credit took a few hits from closing out credit accounts and the late payments that were made prior to putting our plan into action. After another year or so, I pulled both of our credit reports and began writing formal letters to the companies that were listing duplicate accounts, out-of-date accounts and so on, having them remove their debt and raise out scores. Some did leave their debt on the report and listed the status as "Paid". Which I found it, by law, they have every right to do.
When we had our 4th child, we needed to replace the car with a van. And with a tax return and the sale of the car, we were able to buy one outright. Just recently, we have gotten cell phones again. We didn't sign any 2 yr. plans or anything like that, so we have flexibility with them. We still do not have any credit cards and have been paying on our student loans.
Overall, I'd say it was very hard beginning the debt-free process. The outlook of being over the top of the debt mountain seemed so far off, but now we basically are there. We have 5 children, 1 income and have been thriving more now than we did when we had 2 children.
I'd also like to say that to remain debt-free and able to live comfortably, we adhere to a strict budget. If I need to go to 4 stores to grocery shop for good deals, then thats what I will do. I have no problem buying store brand items and buying things on clearance and on sale save us tons of money. Pinching pennies here and there really do add up. And it leaves us with money left over for a rainy day!

Has your family gone debt free? Are you working on it? Even thinking about it? I'd love to hear from you!

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Do you have time to lend a prayer??

A local mother in my area needs prayers! She grew up on my street and is a year to so younger than me. She is a teacher at the local high school and has 4 beautiful daughters. She is struggling to live at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. She and her husband Dave have 4 beautiful daughters Camryn, Brynlee, Aubrey & Courtney.  Kristi suffered serious complications after giving birth that have caused her Heart and Lungs to fail. She is currently at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania on a heart and lung bypass machine. The road ahead is a long one that will have Kristi hospitalized for the next several months. First and foremost the family needs prayers for Kristi's continued improvement, but we would also like to help them financially so in the short term we can help Dave get hotel rooms near the hospital, cover meals, formula & diapers for the family etc. as well as be ready to help with the long term needs as they arise. The family has also asked for blood and/or plasma donations to HUP. Kristi has received blood transfusions and the family feels this is a way they can pay back the hospital for the tremendous care they are giving Kristi. For updates on Kristi's condition please visit

This morning she will be getting surgery for an ECMO machine that will help her lungs along. An ECMO is similar to a heart/lung machine. Please keep Kristi, her husband Dave and their daughters in your prayers! Please contact as many prayer warriors as you can and get the prayers out there! This family need their wife and mother back!  

Team Kristi has a Facebook page:!/pages/Team-Kristi-Friends-of-Kristi-Morrisroe-Hertzog/205066689510628?sk=wall 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

That mountain they call laundry!

Laundry is my enemy! It always seems that I am out-numbered! I try to wash a few loads each day. But the more I wash, oddly enough, it seems to multiply! I think my family see's the laundry room emptier than usual, so they load it back up for me! I don't have any method to the way I do laundry. I make my own laundry detergent and use store bought dryer sheets. The soap only takes about 15 minutes to make. And it lasts our family 6 months or more.
I used to wash the kids stuff in different loads than the adults, but I stopped that. It just makes it easier to put it all in together. We used to have one of those Cabrio sets, which does a ton of wash at one time, but since moving into our new home, we have the use of the machines here and they are much smaller than the Cabrio set. So it takes me longer to do laundry because if that as well. Hopefully we'll be able to get another set soon!
Socks also seem to disappear. We have that elusive washing machine sock monster you hear about. A few years back my husband must have gotten tired of me complaining of how I put a set of socks in and only 1 comes out. So he went out and bought me a zipper up laundry bag to put the socks in. Don't you know the first time I used it, one sock was missing from the bag!! LOL We couldn't explain it, and he also never said anything about my complaining again! LOL So now I just throw them in and hope for the best!

How do you organize your laundry??

Check out the other All in a Day Bloggers...
Carrie @ Our Full House
Christi @ Where the Creek Meets the Lake
Elizabeth @ Yes They’re All Ours
Kathy @ Kathy Mom of Many 
Kristy @ Homemaker's Cottage 
Lori @ Happy Busy Mama
Monica @ Natural Mama
Renee @ Bakers Dozen

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Baby Bullet Review

It's been a little over a week since I received my Baby Bullet machine. I have to tell you, I had wanted this machine and set up for so long and the night I went to purchase it online, I ran across some really bad reviews. I was so bummed out, because I had wanted this so much! I told my husband and he told me to go ahead and buy it. It has a 30 day money back guarantee, so worst case, if I didn't like it, I could send it back. So I went ahead and ordered it.
About a week later, I received a huge box. It included the full 22 piece system, along with a free insulated small tote and books of recipes and ideas. The first thing I made was peas. I was a little unsure if i was doing it right, since it was so easy. I made 6 small containers of peas for my boy and cleaned everything up, which was super easy, and went on my way.
After he was done the peas, I made carrots for him. I tried using the large mixer, but it didn't blend too well, so i transferred the carrots to one of the smaller blender bowls. Again, the process was super easy. I love that 6 containers come with date dials on them, so you can date when they were made. They are freezer safe as well.
I would have to say, I am so glad I bought this machine! I've never made homemade baby food before, and am still learning. but this machine and the easy recipes is beginning to make me feel more comfortable with the whole process. I'm not sure why it received bad reviews from other mothers, but I think this machine is great. And besides the ease of its use, the cute design is great too!
If you are looking into this item, I say give it a try. You may be pleasantly surprised at how much you like it!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dimples for Dinner

Last night I tried my hand at making Chinese food at home. It went pretty well. It wasn't as good as getting Chinese take out, but it was good for my first attempt!  I made chicken with broccoli, fried dumplings and fried rice.  while I was cooking, the kids kept asking me what I was making. My reply was always, "It's a surprise!"

When the cooking was done, I set the table and put all the food out on it.  I called the family in to eat and Savannah (4 yrs old) see's the dumplings and excitedly says, "I know what those are! They're dimples!"  She made my day!

What cute things have your kids said? Love to hear them!

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Santa's a Slave Driver.....WHAT?!?!

The line is true.. "kids say the darnedest things!" A few days ago I was teaching my 5 year old kindergartner her character qualities lesson. That particular days lessons was about honesty. I began telling her about "Honest Abe". I explained who Abraham Lincoln was and why he was called honest Abe.  I was half way through th e lesson when I said, "Abe Lincoln felt it was not right to keep other people as slaves." My daughter looks at me and in a semi-hushed tone asks, "Like Santa?" It took me about 5 seconds to realize what she meant. And trying not to crack up laughing I replied, "No honey. Those are elves, not slaves." LOL!!!!

Do you have any cute, funny or ironic stories to share about things your kids have said?? Please share!

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Investing Time With Hubby

All in a Day: Investing Time With Hubby

 "How do young mommy's spend time with their hubby when they have  little ones? How do mommy's with many children get out of the house without at least a few children in tow? How do we as wives spend quality time with our hubby's on a tight budget? "

When my husband and I first started having children, we still were able to spend alone time together.  As the number of our children grew, so did our time apart.  We were both more concerned with other things. Me - the kids. Him - his job and making sure we were taken care of. I'd have to say that over the past year we've been able to find more ways to get "our" time with each other during the days and weeks - even though 4 of our kids are ages 5 and under.  Each time is different and usually isn't planned. Sometimes we get to spend time together outside while one of us is doing yard work or working on the car. If the kids go to bed on time, we have a few hours to talk and watch a movie or two. Most times though, I ask them to watch a movie in the living room and hubby and I take the opportunity to talk and be together semi-interruption free. 

When it comes to getting out of the house alone. I typically just tell the children what I need to do and that they need to stay with dad. For example, this morning I had to run out to get a few household items and cold medicine since they all have runny noses. I told them I'd be right back and I went on my way. Sometimes I prefer to take 1 or 2 kids with me. I like having company while I run my errands.  But it's easier now that they enjoy playing at home and seeing the "stuff" mom brings home from the store!

When hubby and I do try to do things together, and we are on a tight budget, we go to less expensive places to eat or an earlier movie which costs less. We've never used any type of bogo coupons for dinners or anything, but we make sure we stay within our budget when eating out.

I would love to hear your comments on these topics! And remember to please click the "follow" tab so you don't miss out on any great articles, deals and advice!! :)

Check out the other All in a Day Bloggers...
Carrie @ Our Full House
Christi @ Where the Creek Meets the Lake
Elizabeth @ Yes They’re All Ours
Kathy @ Kathy Mom of Many 
Kristy @ Homemaker's Cottage 
Lori @ Happy Busy Mama
Monica @ Natural Mama
Renee @ Bakers Dozen

Monday, February 14, 2011

Do You Believe in Miracles??

 A Miracle is defined as: "an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause." and "such an effect or event manifesting or considered as a work of God." A supernatural cause? A work of God? Can miracles REALLY happen? Are miracles real? 
Many skeptics say no. They feel the need and the "duty" to explain away the wonders of "accidents" and "coincidences".   Whats so hard to have faith in something more than yourself?  How lonely it must be to have no one and nothing to lean on, look toward, or have faith in, when you're in need. Sometimes, all we have is faith. During one of the most emotionally ravaging times in my life, all I had was faith. I lived each day by the verse: "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1) Ironically, I recently found a canvas tote bag with that saying printed on it and of course bought it. 
I believe in miracles. And maybe I personally wouldn't use the term "supernatural cause", but I would use the term "a work of God". I feel a miracle took place when my daughter was declared in remission from kidney disease. A disease that has no known cause and no known cure. And it's a shot in the dark if the method of treatment will even work. Each patient responds differently. Some respond well, others do not respond at all. My daughter responded well and right away.  After a few months of treatment, she was placed in remission status. It was a frightening and exciting experience. The doctors were optimistic but told me not to get my hoped up too high - 97% of all cases relapse. There is that small 3% that remain in remission and are considered cured after 10 years relapse-free. But they've personally never had a patient that that happen to. So we waited. And I continued to pray and I continued to cry and every night in bed, I begged God to cure my daughter. I even tried bargaining with him - my life for her's. I didn't care what ailment or hardship he placed upon me, just save my child. 
After a few weeks, we went back for a check up - good news, she was still in remission. We continued this same pattern every month. A year after she entered remission, we had the option to move back home to another state. My only hesitation was leaving her nephrologist. He was wonderful. He was my strength, my assurance and my support during it all. I had his email and his cell phone if I ever needed him. Even if it was for help to walk me through my fear and healing. I felt my lifeline to her wellness broken if we moved away. But we took the step anyway.
Back at home in Pennsylvania, the doctors at CHOP were shocked at her status. They never treated a child in that coveted 3% either. The doctor there said to me, "You do understand how rare that is?" I said, "Yes I do." It is coming up on her 2 yr. remission anniversary in a few months and she is doing awesome! 
I think back to that dr.'s comment - "You do understand how rare that is?" and have to wonder, is is rare when you have God on your side? Is her continued medical success a "miracle" - an act of God? I would say it is. 
But now I also think..... did God accept my offer? My life for my daughters? If so, I'll know when my test results come back. If so, I would do it again. Any day and any one of my children. I would give my life to save theirs. I personally don't believe God bargains for miracles. But I do believe God expects you to keep your word. After all, He kept His word to me -"During your times of trial and suffering when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed He was walking along the beach with the LORD. Across the sky flashed scenes from His life. For each scene He noticed two sets of footprints in the sand. One belonging to Him and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of His life flashed before Him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of His life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times of His life.

This really bothered Him and He questioned the LORD about it. LORD you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me.

The LORD replied, my precious, precious child, I Love you and I would never leave you! During your times of trial and suffering when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.

So what about you?? Do you believe in miracles? Have you experienced one? Or can it all be explained away?

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why Mothers Kiss Their Babies.

My dear friend Angie posted this wonderful article. I found it very interesting and moving! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Why Mothers Kiss Their Babies

BY: Judie Rall
After a baby is born, it is natural to see the mother kissing the baby. One would think this is simply because of the emotional bond that has formed between mother and child. While this is true, there are also other very compelling biochemical reasons why it occurs.  These reasons reinforce the understanding that our bodies have inner wisdom which we seldom recognize or trust. Just as our bodies know how to give birth even if we don’t have intellectual knowledge of the process, our bodies’ biological systems also have reasons for the complex social interplay between mother and baby. It just goes to show that, more than ever, we should trust our mothering instincts.

Five Senses
When an animal gives birth, you will notice that the mother spends a lot of time licking her young.  This exposes her five senses to the young so that she knows the taste, smell, feel, sound and sight of her new baby. In this way, a mother claims her child as her own.
When a human mother births a baby in an environment which allows her immediate and free access to her child, you will notice that over a period of time she performs certain behaviours called “claiming behaviours.” She will caress the child, explore the softness of the baby’s skin, and probably count and fondle the unique little fingers and toes.
She probably marvels visually over how much the baby looks like her or her husband or another family member. She will notice the colour of the hair and eyes and other physical features. She hears the baby’s cries and learns to distinguish them from all other cries.  As she leans down to kiss the child, she undoubtedly smells the scent of her new baby and through the actual act of kissing; she comes to know the taste of him or her.
Just like an animal mother, she has now exposed her five senses to the baby so she attaches to him or her. She now feels he or she is her own. It is not unusual to find that women who are deprived of the privacy required to create this immediate bonding right after birth often say they feel a distance between them and their baby.

Health Benefits
Claiming behaviours such as kissing provide not only emotional, but biological attachment. There is a very real health benefit for the baby who is kissed.
“When a mother kisses her baby, she ‘samples’ those pathogens that are on the baby’s face. Those are ones that the baby is about to ingest. These samples are taken up by the mother’s secondary lymphoid organs like the tonsils, and memory B cells specific for those pathogens are re-stimulated. These B cells then migrate to the mother’s breasts where they produce just those antibodies that the baby needs.” says Lauren Sompayrac, author of How The Immune System Works.
We talk a lot about breast milk and how it conveys antibodies to the infant helping to prevent illness. However antibodies made for the mother while pregnant are not what the baby needs. He or she needs antibodies for the environment around them that they are in constant contact with now. Kissing her baby is a very important activity beyond its obvious pleasurable and attachment- promoting value. It helps mother claim baby, and helps her body determine the antibodies baby needs in the breast milk.
So mothers, kiss away on those babies!

You can find this and other interesting articles at: 

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

February Freebies for Valentine's Day!

I was sent this from Bargain Babe Julia Scott and thought I would pass the info along, since it is pretty awesome!

This week the focus is clear -- Valentine's Day Freebies are in the house! From free smartphones to free ice cream and free Redbox DVD rentals, there are many gratis goodies to share with your sweetheart -- or enjoy all by yourself. Single or taken, freebies abound this weekend.

T-Mobile is giving away tons of free phones in stores Feb. 11-12, 2011 and online through Feb. 14 to celebrate Valentine's Day. T-Mobile has enlisted the help of Khloe Kardashian to get the word out. But before you start counting the savings, let me point out the catches.
  • There are a limited number of free phones at each store.
  • You have to sign a 2-year contract.
  • Activation fees apply ($35) or a line upgrade ($18) applies if you are an eligible existing customer.
  • You pay taxes on the phone.
  • You have to send in a mail-in rebate on 13 of the 30 free phones available.

Still reading? Here's the good stuff. The giveaway is happening at all T-Mobile stores, and no phones are excluded. There are 30 phones total to choose from, including T-Mobile myTouch 4G, HTC HD7, T-Mobile G2 with Google, and the Samsung Vibrant. You can get one free device per eligible account. The idea is to get more people on the 4G network, the fastest available, while also snagging T-Mobile new customers. Caveats: No rain checks. One device per line. Your credit needs to be approved. An early termination fee of up to $200 per line applies. You must remain a T-Mobile customer until the rebate is processed to get the rebate.

Celebrate Valentine's Day with free ice cream at Marble Slab Creamery from 3-6 p.m. on Feb. 14, 2011. The freebie is for a mini scoop (about three ounces) of Tiramisu ice cream served in a cup. A pint is 16 ounces, to get an idea of how much free ice cream is at stake. Marble Slab Creamery has shops across the country but Texas has, by far, the most locations. Click on the above link, then look for the freebie promotion on the first of four scrolling images. Included in the first image is a link to participating stores so you can find one near you. Caveats: While supplies last. One freebie per guest. Valid only at participating U.S. stores. No purchase necessary.

Send free Redbox DVD rental coupons to friends via an electronic Valentine's Day card on the Redbox Facebook fan page. Each card you send has a free rental coupon for a $1, one-night movie rental, or $1 toward a Blu-ray rental, which usually cost $1.50. The coupon is valid on Feb. 14, 2011, only. You can send as many e-cards with free movie coupons as you want. To get your own, ask a friend to return the favor. You'll need to allow Redbox to access some of your Facebook information to get started.

In the wake of Taco Bell's meat, or lack of meat, scandal, the fast food chain is giving away 10 million coupons for a free crunchy taco. Not surprising, seeing how Taco Bell has tried to put a positive spin on the entire mess. In the New York Times and other publications, Taco Bell has run ads thanking the folks suing the company for bringing attention to its ingredients. The lawsuit claims Taco Bell's beef products are 35% beef, while the chain counters that they are at least 88% beef. Taco Bell will let you be the judge by offering a freebie through its Facebook page. The company says the free tacos are a thank you to its loyal customers. After 10 million free taco coupons are printed, Taco Bell will update its Facebook page letting you know the giveaway is over. A coupon printed recently has an expiration date of Feb. 15, 2011. There is only one free taco per person and the coupons are valid at participating Taco Bell restaurants.

Get a free sample of Emergen-C when you share a little info about yourself, including your name, address, email, date of birth and gender. You can opt into the Emergen-C email list if you wish. It's unclear how long this freebie will be around. Caveats: If you recently requested a free sample of Emergen-C, you may not be eligible for this freebie. If you're not sure, submit a request or wait a few months. One sample per email, per household. While supplies last. The free sample takes 4-6 weeks to arrive. Open to U.S. residents only. If you live in Canada, click the above link then look for a link at the bottom of the freebie giveaway form to get your sample.

Print a few of these Facebook coupons for free coffee, cappuccino, hot chocolate, tea or oatmeal and stuff them in your car's dashboard. They will keep you warm and alert next time you are on the road. Redeem them at Pilot Travel Centers (but not Pilot Food Marts or Restaurants) or at Flying J locations. They expire Mar. 31, 2011. Caveats: One coupon per customer. No purchase necessary. Participating locations only. Cannot be combined with any other coupon or discount. You need to have a Facebook account to log in to print this free coffee coupon.

Get a free portrait collage worth up to $45 at Sears with this photo coupon through Apr. 19, 2011. No purchase is necessary and there is no sitting fee, but I would call ahead (1-888-767-8724) to check if there are any other random fees associated with using this coupon. There should not be, but it's best to double check ahead of time. Caveats: One free photo collage coupon per family. Additional fee if you get any other design than the one shown on the coupon. Excludes online orders and reorders. You cannot combine this photo coupon with a photo portrait package. Valid only on the current session.

Lastly, win a $100 Amazon gift card through a free contest at  money-saving blog,

You can find this and more info at:

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Q&A Friday: Clutter and Children's Toys

Q&A Friday: Clutter and Children's Toys 


 I just began participating in a blog group that posts on topics a few times a week.  The group answer's questions from readers on Fridays, which is referred to as “Large Family Living Q&A Friday’s”. This weeks question is:
 "How do you manage with so little in the bedrooms? toys, clutter, etc? ~ Kristen" 

I know that in our home, it was very hard at first to manage. We had clothes and toys galore! When we had time and opportunity, my husband and I would go through bags and boxes and declutter the garage and basement. In the home, we would box up things we weren't currently using and pack them away.  We donate a lot of clothes and toys throughout the year, so we keep that type of mess that way.
Last year, we relocated back to Pennsylvania from Ohio. We had the opportunity then to go through and get rid of things we didn't need any longer and things we no longer wanted. I have a Freecycle account, so I placed a post on there and people came to took what they wanted (it was already outside at the curb). 
Now that we have 5 children, we realize how important it is to have less of some things. I typically use paper plates and cups to cut down on the dirty dishes. They kids have a large hope chest style toy box downstairs and a small Step 2 toy box in their bedroom. The toys that can't fit nicly downstairs get taken up and put away. Every 6 months or so, we go through the toy boxes and get rid of any broken toys and make more room.
When it comes to actual "clutter", I have a catch all "junk drawer". Let's face it, you have some clutter you just need - invitations, monthly bills, lists of all sorts, etc... So all my clutter goes there. When it comes to all our clothes, I so wish we had a clothes room like the Duggar Family. We keep what we can in the dressers and then the rest get hung in the closets. I need to purchase a larger washer and dryer though. The set we have no came with the house, and they are small, so my laundry backs up often. Wonder how much a laudry lady would cost me? :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bullets and Slings

I am talking about the two newest items I have for my baby Gabe. I just ordered The Baby Bullet. I've always had an interest in making homemade baby food, I just never was organized enough. Knowing the Gabe is most likely our last baby, I decided it's now or never. I looked into some products and fell in love with the baby bullet. I love the design, all the accessories and the books it comes with. I am able to try it free for 30 days and if I don;t like it, there's a money back guarantee.

Has any reading tried it yet? What are your pro and cons? I'll review it once I get it and start using it. Hopefully it's a good machine because I am pretty excited!

The next thing I want to talk about is the baby sling my dear friend Angie gave to me.  She has 2 kids and makes her own. I never used a sling or carrier for any of my other children.  I was looking into purchasing a wrap, but she offered one of hers to me. I have to say - I LOVE IT!!!  My 12 year old son carries his baby brother around it it too! LOL  The sling she gave me is all green and soft, breathable material. Whoever came up with this idea, was a genius!

Do you have a wrap or sling? Have you used one in the past? What are your thoughts about them?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Grocery Shopping

My method of grocery shopping has changed over the past few years. We used to all go out as a family and go grocery shopping. But now with 5 children (4 ages 5 and under) I find it easier and more stress-free to go alone or take 1 child with me. I used these trips out as a reward for good behavior and also I have the kids take turns going out alone with me. I find that this is a great way to spend one-on-one time with each one of my children.

I typically go shopping a few times a month. I don't have any designated day or amount of times I go shopping. I typically will buy about 2 weeks worth of food. Which will include all 3 meals, drinks, snacks and extras (especially if theres a sale). I usually also don't take a list, unless theres something I really need to remember. Like a sale at a store I typically don't shop at, or a larger amount of an item I usually buy. That way I don't forget anything!

I also LOVE grocery shopping! Shoot, I love all shopping! My husband insists that shopping is not a hobby, I try to make him see it is! LOL  I also go alone now because my "way" of shopping is not my husband's way of shopping. Although I know what I need to buy, I walk up and down every aisle in the store. There may be a sale on something I know I need for a later date, and had planned on buying later, but found it now for less. Or there maybe a new product out that may catch my eye that I would like to buy. My husband likes to go to the aisles where we need to get items and them leave. I like my way better! :)

I typically shop at Bottom Dollar and Aldi.  They have what I need for the best prices. There are times though, that I need things that they don't sell, so I will go to either Shop Rite or Giant. I have also found that Giant has the best BOGO sales EVER!! And it's usually in their meat dept. One thing my father taught me growing up was, if there's a BOGO item, get it. Because you're basically getting free groceries. So I always get the BOGO items. I don't use coupons, but I do use the stores bonus cards. I never really got the hang of how to really maximize the use of coupons, and out of frustration, I said forget it. I will use them on more expemsive items if I need to buy them. But typically, I don't use them.

I always look forward to going grocery shopping. It allows me to get the "me" time I need to clear my mind from the day's activities at the house. Or it allows me to connect with one of my children one-on-one. It's like the little recharge I need to lift my spirits!

Visit some more fabulous ladies and see how they do their grocery shopping!

Carrie @ Our Full House
Christi @ Ants on a Farm
Elizabeth @ Yes They’re All Ours
Kathy @ Kathy Mom of Many 
Kristy @ Homemaker's Cottage 
Lori @ Happy Busy Mama
Monica @ Natural Mama
Renee @ Bakers Dozen