Our Family

This is the place you get to learn all about me and my family! I am married to a wonderful man named Ryan. we both were born and raise in Southeastern Pennsylvania, just outside Philadelphia.  I come from a family of 5 and am the youngest child of the 3. My husband grew up in an adoptive family, and was the oldest of 3. We both have 1 brother and 1 sister.

In 2006, we made a move to Cincinnati, Ohio. We lived in Cincinnati for 4 years. It was a nice place to visit, but I didn't want to live there. The mid-west is much different than the East Coast, and I think it was a big culture shock to both of us. So in 2010, we moved home to Pa.

My husband Ryan and I were married on December 11th. We had the most beautiful Christmas themed wedding. All these years later, we are happy to say that we have been blessed with 5 beautiful children.






We homeschool our kids. When Dylan was our only one, I homeschooled him by choice. When the girls were born, we had decided, that was the way we would go with them as well. But our choice was solidified by a medical condition our daughter Kayleigh developed. When she was 3 1/2, after a few days of unexplained bodily swelling, Cincinnati Children's Hospital was able to diagnose her with a form of kidney disease called childhood nephrotic syndrome. It is a very complicated disease, with no known cause and no known cure. Treatment is "watch and go" at best. Some children respond, some partially respond and some don;t respond at all to treatment. Typically, if a child in successful with treatment and reaches the remission stage, 97% relapse. The other 3% never relapse and after 10 yrs. remission, are considered cured. We are blessed and honored to say our prayers were answered and Kayleigh responded wonderfully to treatment, entered remission status in June 2009, and remains there today - relapse-free. We are hopeful she is in that rare 3%. But that is he reason to stand firm on our homeschooling choice. Any ailment - allergies, colds, flu's, etc... - can cause a relapse. Which we can not endure - physically and emotionally. 
More about our family...... we are just beginning to delve into the home gardening, homemade baby food making, way of living. I have made my own laundry detergent, cleaning spray and such for a few years now. I am so excited to begin our veggie planting in a few months! We are trying a bunch of new things! I'll update as we go along with the growing season!
Thank you for taking the time to read and learn about my family! Hope you enjoy following my blog!